Accidents: Form One English Learning Stories: Story #02: Topic 2: “Listening to, and understanding simple texts on situations.”

Listen to the following text as it is read to you by a teacher/friend/classmate and answer the questions that follow:
I wonder how many accidents I’ve had in my life. I’ve had a few serious ones where I’ve ended up in hospital. Traffic accidents are the worst. They’re always painful. Most of my accidents are those around the house. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve hit my thumb with a hammer. I’m also really good at standing up and hitting my head on something. I have one friend. Almost every time we meet, he has some story to tell about his latest accident. He’s quite unbelievable. I think I’d be very worried if I were his parent.
  1. Suggest the title of the story.
  2. Why accidents happen? Give one reason.
  3. Which accidents are the worst?
  4. People who get accident end up where?
  5. What can you advise people about the accident?

Also check out: All Form One English Notes

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