8 Kinds of WhatsApp Group Members

Nowadays, WhatsApp use is growing fast. Its influence is now emerging in various official uses although in some cases it is still limited.
The following are the 8 kinds of WhatsApp group members:
1. Members who leave (Leavers). It means they don't belong to the group. These mmbers leave because they are not interested and have the right to go to other groups.
2. Members who stay (Active Remainers). It means they value what the group offers. These stay because they group offers what they need.
3. Members who stay to maintain friendship of the Admin or some members (Passive Remainers). They don't care what group offers but they decide to stay to respect those they care about.
4. Active Members. These members actively comment and respond to various issues of the group.
5. Passive Members. They don't comment or respond to any issues or discussions.
6. Members who leave the group because they don't get along with some members of the group. These members are not tolerant and they can't keep the peace. So, to they exercise everyone's right to leave.
7. Members who leave the group because of some intense arguments in the group. They are angered or bored by what they are involved in, and they decide to leave. They believe WhatsApp is an open interaction. So everyone has his/her decision to make.
8. Members who post irrelevant contents and expect to be tolerated by Admin. When they get serious Admin, they are blocked or they decide to leave because of the strict rules or because they feel they don't fit in.

Final Thoughts
Group Members cannot be prevented from leaving the group.
However, it's Admin's beliefs that everyone fits in the group, but it's not always true for everyone. Those who leave help the Admin to know the active members.
As Admin, if you added 120 members, it's okay if you remain with 20 active members.



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